December Seventh
07 Dec 2023 - Daniel Ramirez
On the imprecise semantics of a day on Earth, deleting master, and other administrative tasks
Day 7?
The blog now has syntax highlighting!
html, ok := markdown.renderWithHighlights() if !ok { panic("Something happened :/") } // html declared and not used compiler(UnusedVar)
- Resolved build errors in Github actions by removing dependency on “slices” package which was definitely a 2am solution that I might have to find a real solution for later
- but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Renamed master -> main for blog repo
- finally got convinced this is correct because it
- a: does not fit the database master-slave process pattern of thinking/behavior
- neither the origin/main nor the production/main dictate the behavior of local main
- b: does not fit the music industry master record model (the definitive copy)
- “definitive” is a weird way to describe something that can change daily including forward and backward changes
- it’s a dang misnomer
- now just a few years before i start insisting upon trunk :0)
- a: does not fit the database master-slave process pattern of thinking/behavior
- finally got convinced this is correct because it
- a day is what fits your perception of a day
- sometimes a lot happens in a day with clear dividing lines and i think that is two days
- sometimes you stay up very late and the boundary of the day is extended by a lot
- as you may have guessed i stayed up until like 4am and slept before i could post :–)
- Blog things
- would like to have DBC show up as an acronym
- probably need spellcheck for markdown files
- General things
- asap gonna start working on building a PC (linux) for the first time wowowowow
- so slightly less time for coding, but then i will be on winter PTO so it shakes out. double december adventure_!_
- asap gonna start working on building a PC (linux) for the first time wowowowow
- continue work on highlighting
- think about auto complete system
- design work
- decide on product for this, need to consider ASCII limitation and might have to avoid a general design software like miro/figma/etc.
- design validation system (layout/style/content)
- design menus (restart/exit/game setup)