
December Sixteenth

16 Dec 2023 - Daniel Ramirez

Writing on busy day, lipstick on a pig, and putting the pig on a diet


New layout

Bubble chess with new three column layout showing random moves with Queen's gambit going horribly

I narrowed the core model down to only the major UI elements, which freed up a lot of space for exploring a new layout. As well I found I had been using bubbles/textarea for the absolute wrong component. I replaced this with bubbles/textinput and was able to remove most of the upfront configuration.


The next two weeks are going to be very very busy, but today gives me hope that I will be able to work everyday. Unfortunately the writing suffers a bit. I can easily justify some laser-focused Pomodoros but writing for an indefinite time is similarly easy to drop for the sake of time. I think this points toward a need for a leaner template:


  1. autocomplete
    • guess menu tab-ing does not work when list is only one move long
  2. command line args that accept FEN string for board init
    • consider using cobra and/or viper (cli args tooling)
  3. credits
    • series of pages that can be flipped through with ascii art representing each direct dependency author
  4. highlighting
    • is there a way to access the boards in a different way rather than modifying the entire thing on each tick?