
December Fourteenth

14 Dec 2023 - Daniel Ramirez

PBR, the eternal hole in my heart left by day 13, and freedom


Got back on the horse after completely skipping day 13. Had to skip because of an incident related to my day job. Didn’t actually get much done on this day (fell asleep before I could even post this).

I figured out what I need to do for handling board flipping. There’s a Go package for performing some basic operations on uint64 data. I need to use grid paper to actually understand what is happening with this stuff and how it should look to simulate the board rotating to the other player’s POV.

Trying out a spellchecker. streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker


There is a really pernicious mental trap in thinking that it is necessary to make up for a lost day/hour/time-quantum. I missed a day and I wanted to work extra hard on the next day. But, what I need is to do something on that next day. Just restart the streak and move on. Missing a day is not the deciding factor in this adventure.


  1. highlighting
    • find the correct approach for conditionally rendering visual boards along side the game board
    • is there a way to access the boards in a different way rather than modifying the entire thing on each tick?
  2. autocomplete
    • guess menu cuts off for long lists, namely the queen
    • guess menu tab-ing does not work when list is only one move long
  3. command line args that accept FEN string for board init
    • consider using cobra and/or viper (cli args tooling)